
foto | Diferit, dar la fel! O fotografă demonstrează cum arată maternitatea în mai multe colțuri ale lumii

Mamele sunt diferite peste tot în lume, dar putem spune cu certitudine că fiecare dintre ele poartă în suflet la fel de multă afecțiune pentru copiii săi. Fotografa română Mihaela Noroc, cunoscută pentru proiectul The Atlas of Beauty, a reușit să surprindă în imagini relația dintre femei și copiii lor în diferite colțuri ale lumii.

Urmărește-ne pe Telegram și Instagram.

În cele circa 50 de țări vizitate, artista a „captat” prin obiectiv emoții deosebite și le-a împărtășit cu urmăritorii săi de pe Instagram, transmite BoredPanda. Fotografiile arată nu doar relația strânsă dintre micuți și mămicile lor, dar povestesc și despre cultura sau obiceiurile locului unde au fost realizate.

Vedeți mai jos câteva dintre imaginile realizate de Mihaela Noroc.


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I photographed Juliana and her son, Alex, last November, high in The Andes Mountains, in Peru. While pregnant, Juliana suffered a severe accident on the steep, narrow paths around her isolated village. By miracle the baby survived. Because of her medical condition, Juliana was forced to move in the nearest city where she continued to live after the birth. But Juliana comes here as often as possible and hopes that her medical condition will someday allow her to move back. She loves her village, she loves the mountains and she feels that this is the only place where she and her son can connect with Pachamama, the most important goddess revered by indigenous people of the Andes, also known as Mother Earth. It’s been almost 500 years since this part of Latin America was conquered by Europeans. But Pachamama is still there, in the souls of the people, giving them strength and hope. A mother taking care of her children.

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Natalia, my daughter, is almost 20 months. I can’t believe we’ve already visited together 27 countries, on 6 continents, meeting so many amazing women. In January we were in China, when a mysterious virus started to make news in the country. Back home, in Europe, nobody cared about it, but being a few hundred kilometres away from the epicentre, seeing what’s happening around us, made me realise that our world will change a lot. We’ve been fortunate enough to get back home safely, in Romania, and find a place with courtyard, during the lockdown. Although we can’t move, we can at least see the sky. I look at it and I’m wondering, when we will be back there, on a plane, traveling to a new destination to meet new amazing women? I was looking at the news and saw that most of the countries that dealt best with coronavirus have women leaders. More than that, women comprise the majority of frontline healthcare workers globally. They are the heroes of our days, together with their male colleagues. Maybe from now on women will receive a more prominent role in the society. Maybe we will learn from this crisis and create a more beautiful and equal world. I just hope Natalia will be fortunate to live such times. Till then stay strong, stay optimist, stay healthy and stay beautiful! The world needs us!

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That’s us in Medellin, Colombia, last week. Traveling with Natalia is incredibly rewarding, but also super challenging. The last weeks were a bit difficult for us. I would call them the “itis” days. Natalia caught otitis and conjunctivitis. I, myself, otitis and mastitis. But now we’re great and continue our journey in Latin America preparing to fly to Australia and Asia, soon. That’s not much time for social media, but I’m working intensively for the second part of The Atlas of Beauty Book. I meet amazing women every day and I’m so keen to show you the new book. I will still need almost 2 years to complete it, because I want to create something really special and comprehensive, but I’m sure the wait will be worth it. So happy that Natalia is part of all these, helping me to see the world in a totally different way. In the meantime, I promise I will try to be more active in social media…If no more “itis” days, of course. 😀

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The sweetest moment, a few days ago in Kathmandu, Nepal. My next destination will be Iran. #TheAtlasofBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Nepal

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I photographed these two Yazidi children a few days ago in a refugee camp from the Kurdistan Region in Iraq. Thousands of people from their community have been killed in the last 3 years just because they were different. While visiting countries affected by conflicts I’ve seen with my own eyes the consequences of intolerance and discrimination. They are horrific! In some parts of the world people are persecuted or even killed just because they are different. Sometimes the victims are Yazidis, other times are Muslims, Christians or Atheists. And no, it’s not the religion. Because other times people are discriminated for their colour, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. It’s about the hate of some people, encouraged by their leaders, towards other people that are different. And tomorrow you could also be affected. The human kind made a huge progress since the Second World War in terms of human rights but we shouldn’t take anything for granted. We should continue to make this world a better place although there are moments when everything seems lost. The smile of this little girl gives me hope in humanity. As long as the love is on our side we are stronger. #Refugees #Yazidi #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld

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